Posted by admin On February - 19 - 2011 0 Comment
Office/Department : Municipal Civil Registrar
Budget Year : Calendar Year 2010
1. Functional Statement
1. Develop plans and strategies and upon approval therof by the mayor, implement  the same,
particularly those which have to do with civil registy programs and projects which the mayor
is empowered to implement and which the sanggunian is empowered to provide;
2. Accept all registrable documents and judicial decrees/orders affecting the civil status of
3. File, keep and preserve in a secured place, the books required by law;
4. Transcribe and enter immediately upon receipt all registrable documents and judicial
decrees affecting the civil status of persons in the appropriate civil registry books;
5. Receive applications for the issuance of marriage license and after determining that the
requirements and supporting certificates and publication thereof for the prescribed period
have been complied with, shall issue the license upon payment of the authorized fee to the
6. Transmit to the Office of the Civil Registrar General within the prescribed period duplicate
copies of registered documents required by law;
7. Issue certified transcripts or copies of any certificate or registered documents upon pay-
ment of the prescribed fees to the treasurer;
8. Make available at all times the civil registry forms;
9. Administer oaths for civil registration purposes;
10.Exercise such other powers and performs such other functions as may be prescribed by
law or ordinance.
II. Objectives
1. To provide an efficient civil registration services to the public
2. To coordinate with the NSO in conducting educational campaigns for vital registration and
assist in the preparation of demographic and other statistics of the local government unit.